Implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 48 Tahun 2014 Tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak Pada Kementerian Agama
Studi Tentang Tarif Biaya Pencatatan Pernikahan di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Cimaragas Kabupaten Ciamis
Based on the results of observation about implementation of government regulation number 48 year 2014 about state acceptance non tax on the ministry of religious affairsin the Office of Religious Affairs Cimaragas subdistrict,it was found some problems,for the example there are still other additional costs that should be issued by the prospective bride who will conduct a marriage in the office of The Religious Affairs Cimaragas Subdistrict, also there is still need more of socialization from the Office of the Religious Affairs as the main implementor, related to the current marriage rates.And there are overlapping work amoungthe staff of the Office of Religious Affairs Cimaragas subdistrict. The research study is using a qualitative descriptive approach. And using sampling technique in-depth interviews from pre-defined informants and is done continuously until the data is saturated.The data recording results are fully transfilled, alsothe data is grouped by implementation stage. Based on the results of the study showed that the implementation of government regulation No. 48 year 2014 about state acceptance non tax on the Ministry of Religious Affairs (study of the tariff rates of marriage at the office of Religious Matters Cimaragas Subdistrict Ciamis) Still not fully optimized.In this case researchers use the theoretical approach of Edward III i.e. communication, resources, disposition, bureaucratic structure.With the results of the study that used from the four factors, the researcher found the communication factor has not been implemented optimally.One conclusion that researchers find during interviews is still a need more of socialization done to allcivil in region.
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