Manajemen Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Situ Leutik Oleh Pemerintah Kota Banjar Di Desa Cibeureum Kecamatan Banjar Kota Banjar

  • Riza Purnama STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
Keywords: Management, Tourism


Management is very important for the development of an organization / company in order to achieve goals, both short-term and long-term goals in this case, namely to create a good and correct management of Situ Leutik attractions. This study uses a qualitative approach, this was chosen with the aim of gaining an in depth understanding of an object of research. In this research there are several data collection techniques conducted, namely literature study, field studies consisting of observations and interviews with 7 informants, and documentation studies. Based on the results of management research in the Situ Leutik tourism object that the need for cooperation between the city government, village government, related agencies, and also the community in managing and developing the Situ Leutik tourism object. In addition, support from the city government can authorize or issue local regulations. management as well as providing funds provided for the preservation and management of objects. The ambiguity of the manager makes the Situ Leutik attraction abandoned and damaged. Legalization of Regional Regulation on the management of Situ Leutik will be given to Cibeureum Village. This also relates to the regional regulation on tourism in Banjar City, which is being drafted which can later be used as SOP or guidelines in managing Situ Leutik tourism object. Increasing human resources can be given training and outreach to managers and the community. Improving facilities is to complement vital facilities that must always be present in attractions, especially in Situ Leutik.


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