It has been almost 47 years since the issue of land certification in the transloc program has still not been resolved, based on the existence of a transloc program for retired Indonesian Air Force officers located in the Kodau V area, namely in the Langensari area, by the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters, which in the process was appointed by the Wiriadinata Tasikmalaya Air Base. As the implementer of the Mukim I Project, up to now we have not yet found clarity and certainty regarding the rights that settlers have regarding Absolute Property Rights (HMM) for residents of the Retired Indonesian Air Force Translok settlement in Langensari. The active involvement of settler residents also creates access to communication through government channels involving the Langensari Village Government, Banjar City Government, and BPN Kantah Banjar City. And the results of communication with related agencies have different understandings and roles, namely Wiriadinata Tasikmalaya Air Base, Langensari Village Government, and Resident Residents play an active role. Then BPN Kantah Banjar City plays a participatory role, and the Banjar City Government plays a passive role. In the process there are several obstacles, including differences in perception, differences in interests, funding, and lack of understanding of the translok program. The research method uses a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach and data collection through in-depth interviews supported by several relevant documents and archives.
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