In everyday life, politics has become a common topic of conversation. In general, politics has the aim of ensuring that the power that exists in government and in society can be managed and implemented in accordance with existing legal norms, then politics is used to enable power to be gained, recognized and implementing democracy as a whole, and politics is also used to implement and manage existing politics in government and in society by maintaining state principles. Views on politics among Indonesian society are always viewed with a negative image due to past experiences. One example is the influence of money politics and the influence of practical politics which imposes the will of other people to use the momentary interests of certain political groups. Likewise, students who are potential political voters can also be influenced by political views that have a negative image. By looking at this background, researchers are encouraged to research and study more deeply and focus more on the influence of political education activities carried out by the National Unity and Politics Agency of Banjar City which is aimed at first-time voters in Banjar City. The 2024 Political Education Activities at the National Unity and Politics Agency has a target of 400 people and is divided into several activities. One activity has been carried out with a total of 50 participants. This research uses a quantitative approach with 2 variables using a simple regression test and the results show that there is a positive influence between political education on the political understanding of novice voters, where the better the political education, the more political understanding will increase, then using the t test and the results show that there is an influence of education. politics on the political understanding of novice voters in the city of Banjar in 2024. The level of correlation coefficient of the influence of political education activities on the political understanding of novice voters is 34.6%.
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