(Studi Pada Partai Demokrasi Perjuangan Indonesia dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera)

  • Engkus Kusnadi STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
  • Teguh Anggoro STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
  • Riza Purnama STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
Keywords: Political education, Political parties, Money politics


Based on the results of observations, researchers found that the political education carried out by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and the Prosperous Justice Party in Banjar City has not been carried out optimally, this is because the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party and the Prosperous Justice Party do not yet have work programs or political agendas that prioritize political education in deny the practice of money politics. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and the Prosperous Justice Party only carry out party outreach activities to help people who need service assistance and only do this when elections are about to take place.

This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data was collected through in-depth interviews from predetermined informants and carried out continuously until the data was saturated. In this research, the technique for determining informants used by researchers is the Purposive Sampling technique, namely the technique for determining informants using samples that are carried out deliberately and are in accordance with all the sample requirements that have been determined.

The results of the research show that the political education carried out by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and the Prosperous Justice Party has not run optimally, this is because the Indonesian Democratic Struggle Party and the Prosperous Justice Party do not yet have political programs or activities that focus on political activities or provide information related to education. politics, especially related to money politics, to small to large communities. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and the Prosperous Justice Party carried out massive outreach activities to the community during the elections, and were passive during the elections.


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