Peran Pemerintah Kota Banjar dalam Pelestarian Seni Manuk Janur
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the Banjar City Government in preserving the cultural art of Manuk Janur, to analyze the obstacles faced by the Banjar City Government in the preservation of the cultural art of Manuk Janur in Banjar City, and to identify the efforts made by the Banjar City Government in preserving the cultural art of Manuk Janur. This research employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The informant selection technique utilizes purposive sampling, involving 7 individuals chosen based on their relevance to this study. The analysis of this research is based on Abu Ahmadi's theory (1982), which encompasses dimensions of expectation, individual attitudes, and social functions. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Banjar City Government in preserving the cultural art of Manuk Janur is quite optimal, as demonstrated by several factors. These include government recognition and protection through policies outlined in Regional Regulation No. 22 of 2004 concerning Tourism and Cultural Business Permits, which involve strategic planning, budget allocation, and the establishment of specialized institutions or bodies focused on cultural preservation. The obstacles faced in the role of the government in preserving the cultural art of Manuk Janur include limited financial resources, lack of public awareness regarding the importance of cultural preservation, social changes, and the shift in modern values. Efforts made in cultural preservation encompass research, documentation, education, outreach, development of cultural arts, hosting festivals and cultural events, cultural tourism programs, legal protection policies, building partnerships with local communities, collaboration with cultural institutions, empowering the younger generation, developing cultural infrastructure, as well as promoting and marketing culture.
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