Strategi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Aparatur di Kota Tasikmalaya
The ability of human resources of the State Civil Apparatus is one of the keys to successful development. Efforts to develop knowledge and work skills of ASN require a strategy to be able to support the vision and mission of development, including in the Tasikmalaya City Government. This study aims to analyze the strategy implemented by the Regional Education and Training Personnel Board of the City of Tasikmalaya in developing human resources within the Government of the City of Tasikmalaya. The research uses a descriptive method, which aims to describe the actual situation regarding the development of human resources in the City Government of Tasikmalaya, with data sourced from relevant references, and documents related to the object of research to be analyzed and evaluated which then becomes a conclusion. . The literature review helps the author to know the history and nature of the subject and identify gaps in the research problem. The results of the study show that the Tasikmalaya City Regional Education and Training Personnel Agency has attempted to develop the State Civil Apparatus within the Tasikmalaya City Government with various strategies, including through Diklatpim, Functional Education and Training, Technical Training, and is directed to attend seminars, workshops, internships, or take courses. that can support the knowledge and work abilities of its employees, however, there are still some obstacles and challenges in achieving its success.
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