Evaluasi Program Rehabilitasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni Di Kelurahan Kertasari Kecamatan Ciamis Kabupaten Ciamis

  • Tina Cahya Mulyatin
Keywords: Evaluation of the Rehabilitation Program, Uninhabitable Homes


The initial problems in this study were (1) how the implementation of the rehabilitation program for uninhabitable houses (RTLH) in Kertasari Ciaimis Kelurahan (2) What factors hinder the implementation of the rehabilitation program for uninhabitable homes in Kertasari Ciamis Kelurahan. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by collecting existing data obtained in the field and then analyzing it in accordance with the available facts to draw conclusions. The results of the study showed that the implementation of the rehabilitation program for Inappropriate Houses in Kelurahan Kertasari had run quite well, but still needed to be fixed some of the problems that existed and were influenced by several evaluation criteria, namely object assessment, state assessment and event evaluation. So it can be concluded that the RTLH rehabilitation program in Kelurahan Kertasari Ciamis still faces obstacles, the researcher's suggestion is a) Improve coordination and cooperation between parties involved in the RTLH program, by increasing the quality of Human Resources (HR). By way of making a persuasive approach and provide direction on an ongoing basis. b) The need to improve the quality of the RTLH program so that it can reduce obstacles to achieving the objectives of this program and recommend the RTLH program as a superior program for poverty alleviation in the Kertasari Ciamis Kelurahan.


Keywords: Evaluation of the Rehabilitation Program, Uninhabitable Homes


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