Evaluasi Kebijakan Pembagian Beras Pra Sejahtera Di Desa Sukamukti Kecamatan Pataruman Kota Banjar
Based on our observations, we found several problems in implementing the distribution of Pre-Prosperous Rice (RASTRA) by the Sukamukti Village government. For this reason, this study aims to determine and explain the evaluation of the Pre-Prosperous Rice Distribution Policy in Sukamukti Village, Pataruman District, Banjar City. This study uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive methods. The reason is that descriptive research is carried out in a wide area, and the tendency to use this method is considered very relevant to the thesis research material because the research carried out is descriptive, that is, it describes what is happening from the events being studied. In addition, in order to obtain objective and valid data in order to solve existing problems. Data collection techniques in this study are library research, field studies, observation, and interviews. There were 4 informants in this study including the Village Head, the Head of the Welfare Section, the Head of RT, and the Community. Based on the results of research in Sukamukti Village, Pataruman District, Banjar City, the results of the RASTRA distribution policy are not entirely in accordance with the provisions including a) Still not on target: b) Not on time: c) and low quality of rice.
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