Efektivitas Kinerja Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Pangandaran Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah

  • Dadang Romansyah STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
  • Achmad Daryatno STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
Keywords: Effectiveness, Performance, Waste Management


Based on the results of observations, it was found that the problem of the lack of effectiveness of the performance of the Department of Environment and Hygiene in Pangandaran Regency. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the performance of the Pangandaran Regency Environmental and Cleanliness Service in waste management. This study uses a descriptive-analytical research approach and qualitative methods. The informant determination technique uses purposive sampling, the number of informants is four people. The results of the study show that: the waste management legislation that regulates the community has been made so that it can be managed properly. The supporting factors for waste management are known that there is an active support capacity from the community, especially regarding awareness of the importance of waste management in the area. community participants as business actors support the government in terms of waste management. Efforts to overcome obstacles to the effectiveness of the environmental service's performance in waste management in Pangandaran Regency is known that there is socialization to the community about the importance of handling waste management, starting from the community, business actors in the tourism object environment, related parties to actively participate. making clear rules by regional regulations or governor regulations governing waste reduction in certain places by 2020. Implementing cooperation with entrepreneurs to take an active role in handling waste in the Pangandaran tourism object environment.


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