Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Ketahanan Usaha Di Era New Normal
Studi Kasus Sentra Asin Jambal Roti Kabupaten Pangandaran
This study aimed to determine the external and internal factors that affect the resilience of MSME businesses in the New Normal Era at the Pangandaran Asin Jambal Roti Center. The research method used is using a qualitative approach. Informants in this study as many as 4 people. The results of the study note that. 1) The condition of the Jambal Roti Pangandaran Asin Center has decreased drastically due to the difficulty in selling products due to large-scale social restrictions, causing a decrease in the level of tourist visits to Pangandaran. 2) There are external and internal factors that affect business resilience at the Jambal Roti Asin Center which are among others caused by capital problems, lack of skilled human resources, weak business networks, a business climate that does not support business development in the midst of a pandemic, limited facilities and owned infrastructure. 3) Business development strategies to increase business resilience at the Jambal Roti Pangandaran salty center, including product innovation, marketing innovation, developing partner networks, and increasing the capacity of knowledge resources. In addition, there needs to be a role from the government through capital support, increasing the creative economy, increasing skills in making packaging, and helping marketing through the online system.
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