Strategi Rantai Nilai, Keputusan Pembelian dan Kepuasan Pelanggan
Survey pada Usaha Kuliner Tradisioanal dan Modern di Priangan Timur
In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, traditional culinary businesses experienced a sharp decline and also many modern fast-food restaurants emerged which expanded in East Priangan. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze: 1) Implementation of value chain strategy and purchasing decisions in customer satisfaction in culinary businesses in East Priangan; 2) Obstacles found in the value chain strategy and purchase satisfaction 3) Efforts made for purchasing decisions in customer satisfaction. The research method used is a qualitative or interpretive approach and a quantitative approach. In this study, researchers collected data in the form of information related to the problem to be studied. This research was conducted using a value chain strategy. The results of the research, using the value chain strategy model and its application to customers in East Priangan, namely to deal with competitive forces so that they can achieve profitability by having a sustainable competitive advantage.
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