Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan di Perusahaan Percetakan CV. Intan Utama Kota Banjar

  • Dara Siti Nurjanah
Keywords: Compensation, Employee, Motivation


Based on the results of research in the printing company of CV. Intan Utama Banjar town to found some problems are the quality of result production is good, but the compensation were receive to employees  is fixed,when the quality of production is good so will have to increase  the sale and profit. The purpose of this researce is the to determine and the analysis of  the compensation, to determine employee motivation  of the company, and to determine how inportant the influence of compensation on employee motivation in the printing company CV.Intan Utama Banjar town. The type of this reseach study is used casual asosiative research with quantitative approach.The take sample technique is the saturation sampling (census)  and than obtained the total sample are 25 samples of employees as company. The statistic methode of the research study is used the Pearson product moment correlation analysis. Based on the results of this analysis to employees of CV.Intan Utama, the variable is compensastion include to the category of very good and response the result  of statement to employee motivation include to the category of very good. Obtained correlation coefficient of 0,657 means the relationship between variables are in the strong category, and the infortand influence of compensation on employee motivation in the printing company CV.Intan Utama Banjar town is 43,2%. Result of hypothesis test stated that these is significant influence of compensation on employee motivation in the printing company of CV.Intan Utama Banjar town


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