Analisis Display Produk Dalam Mempengaruhi Minat Beli
Survey pada Konsumen Toko Golden Kota Banjar
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of product displays at the golden shop in Banjar City. The research method used is a survey method with a quantitative approach. The informants in this study were 50 people. The data analysis technique was carried out by testing validity and reliability, as well as using simple linear regression analysis. Based on the research results, it is known that: 1) The product displays applied at the Golden Shop in Banjar City are good, attractive, neatly arranged, making it easier for consumers to choose and search for the products they want. 2) The percentage of consumer purchase interest statements in the fair category is 88% with a frequency value of 44, varying from good to poor. 3) For an R² value of 0.159201, this shows that 15.92% of the Purchase Interest variable is influenced by the Product Display variable, the remaining 84.08% is influenced by other factors. The results of the hypothesis test show that there is an influence of product display on purchasing interest. Regression analysis using SPSS processing shows that the regression coefficient of the product display variable on the consumer buying interest variable is 0.295 with a constant of 14.158 and a significance score of 0.004 which is smaller than the score α = 0.05. This means that the product display arrangement has a positive and significant influence on purchasing interest.
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