Analisis Kualitas Produk Dalam Meningkatkan Keputusan Pembelian Pada Furniture Jati di CV Mulya Jati Banjarsari Ciamis
Based on the results of observations at CV Mulya Jati Banjarsari Ciamis, a problem was found, namely a decrease in purchases from year to year. This is thought to be influenced by product quality. This research aims to determine and analyze: product quality, the obstacles encountered, and the efforts that must be made to overcome the obstacles that occur to increase purchasing decisions for teak furniture at CV Mulya Jati Banjarsari Ciamis. The research approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample size of 8 informants. Based on the results of research at CV Mulya Jati Banjarsari Ciamis, the quality of the products produced is quite good. This is due to conformity with product quality dimensions. However, there are still obstacles found, namely the lack of brands, the unavailability of wood drying machines, and quite high selling prices. The efforts to improve purchasing decisions that must be made by CV Mulya Jati Banjarsari Ciamis are by improving product quality through branding, providing wood drying machines, and competitive selling prices. This is expected to influence improving purchasing decisions.
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