Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Terhadap Minat Beli Sepeda Motor Honda Beat
Studi Pada CV. Subur Jaya Kota Tasikmalaya
This research aims to determine the extent of the influence of product quality on purchase intention. The research method is referred to as associative research, and data were collected through literature research, the Internet, and field research (observation, interviews, and questionnaires). The tests include simple linear regression analysis, the coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. The sample size of this research is 94 respondents. Based on the coefficient of determination with an R-square value of 0.570, the influence of product quality on purchase intention is 57%, while the remaining 43% is influenced by other variables not examined. Based on the t-test results, since the t-value > t-table (0.582 > 0.345), the product quality variable has a significant influence on purchase intention. This explains that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. To increase purchase intention, the company must continuously improve product quality, particularly in terms of conformance by enhancing product consistency and improving product features. Thus, this research can provide important contributions to understanding how product quality can influence consumer purchase intention.
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