• Munawar STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
  • Ria Sofia Bachriani STISIP Bina Putera Banjar
Keywords: produk olahan pertanian, promosi, media sosial


Nowadays agricultural products has developed into agricultural processed products. Agricultural processed products are promoted by the internet, one of them is by social media. Social media is needed to facilitate the marketing of processed agricultural products because it’s fast and direct to the consumers in a more widespread. The purpose of this literature study is to determine the effectiveness of social media in the marketing of processed agricultural products, and to identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of social media in selling processed agricultural products. Besides, to analyze the relationship between the effectiveness of social media with the characteristics of the consumers, and also to analyze the effectiveness of social media with the level of sales of processed agricultural products. The writing of this study is using the secondary data analysis of the literature such as textbooks, theses, and scientific journals that have relevance to the themes in this literature study are then studied, summarized and made the analysis synthesis, and creating a new research framework. The conclusion from this literature study is the role of social media is very effective and efficient to use as a promotion media.


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