Employee commitment is important for the organization, especiaJly to maintain the sustainability and achievement of objectives. One of the factors that led to the organization's commitment is low on this company is the achievement of planning and career development that is not conducive to the employees by the company, the level of turnover is low when the employees' influence on the performance of which is to be seen in terms of work experience, andyet there c'lear information on careers in information Toserba Pajajaran Banjar. Research using this r,ype of assoczatwe research, assisted with MS! applications. Tosimpli.JY the calculation of the study using SPSS version 20.0. Feedback results of the questionnaire regarding career development at the General Store located at Banjar Pajajaran good enuugh category with a total score of 1994 or 73.04% of the established criteria. Feedback results of questionnaires regarding employee commitment Toserba Banjar Pajajaran are in good enough categury with a total score of 1946 or with a percentage of 71.28% of the established criteria. Based on the analysis by using Product Moment correlation coefficient of 0.453 in a categury is, the coefficient of determination by 20.50%, the remaining 79.50% is other factors that were not studied. Criteria hypothesis test obtained t = 3.093 and t table obtained at 1,68709 at a = 0.05 so that t> t table means Ha Ho accepted and rejected it means that there is a significant influence on the career deve'lopment of employees1 commitment contracts Toserba Pajajaran Banjar.
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