Pengaruh Manajemen Kinerja Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan dan Dampaknya Pada Kepuasan Pelanggan

  • Elly Resly Rachlan Universitas Galuh
Keywords: manajemen kinerja, kualitas pelayanan, customer satisfaction index


Base on the observation and results at PLN kabupaten Bandung, known to the customer taps still dissatisfied,because of frequent occurrence of recording errors by the PLN clerk  meter, so that the PLN bill becomes swallen. The aim of this research was to determine the management performance of service quality PLN kab. Bandung. Approach method of Customer Satisfaction Index. The method used is descriptive and quantitative sampling from a population of 2040 customers, resulting samples are 98 respondents. Addressing research results, the customer has avery good judge of the performance of the service quality of PLN Bandung  with an average at 4.28 The level of customer expectations of service quality PLN Bandung is very high, with an average  of  4.98. Measurements using Customer Satisfaction Index obstained a value  of 0.856, the value of thevalue  is in the interva l0.81 – 1:00, which mean that the customer “Very Satisfied” on the performance of service quality of PLN Bandung.


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