Pengaruh Manajemen Kinerja Pelayanan Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kota Cimahi Melalui Pendekatan Importance and Performance Analysis
Every organization, including government agencies, must have a specific purpose. These objectives can be achieved if the employee has ahigh performance. Conditions licensing services Integrated Licensing Service Agency and Investment Cimahi Districk is still faced with a system that has not been effective and efficient and not in accordance with the expectations of society. This is evident from the number of complaints from the public, either directly or indirectly regarding the performance of the apparatus. The number of overlapping regulations, procedures are complicated, there is no certainty of completion period, and others that cause poor image of the performance DPMPTSP Cimahi District. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of the quality of service licensing with public expectations in DPMPTSP Cimahi District. The method used is quantitative method approach Importance and Performance Analysis. Research conducted cross-sectional, while the collection of data through questionnaires. Determination of the sample using random sampling of the population who get permits from the ministry DPMPTSP Cimahi District. Results of the analysis showed that the degree of conformity of the dimensions that has the highest suitability occurs in tangibles dimension with an average rate of 87.12% suitability. As for the indicators to be prioritized by the agency handling DPMPTSP Cimahi Regency, is the speed of providing services, licensing bail out on time, an experienced officer and the officer's ability to provide information that is easy to understand.
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Rasyid, Al Harun. Statistik untuk Ilmu Sosial. Pascasarjana Universitas Padjajaran : Bandung