Analisis Strategi Promosi Produk Tabungan Haji di Bank Muamalat Tasikmalaya
The purpose of this study is to explore and explore the promotion of Hajj savings products at Bank Muamalat Tasikmalaya. According to experts, several theories within the framework of thought are put forward that relate to promotion strategies. Furthermore, the authors conducted research in the field using descriptive methods, namely data collection techniques through library studies and field studies. In the field studies, the authors used observation and interview research instruments. From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the management of Bank Muamalat Tasikmalaya basically does not prioritize promotional strategies in the form of expanding the infrastructure of buildings and rooms such as a small waiting room and parking that is not tidy because the building is still contracted and more importantly the gift of souvenirs. but emphasizes more promotions through websites and brochures, so that when the author conducts research it is rather difficult to get some promotional souvenir items that are carried out in order to attract prospective Hajj savings customers. This is because the management is not responsive in fulfilling the procurement of souvenirs for Hajj savings products continuously.
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