Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Mandiri Prioritas Pada Bank Mandiri Cabang Tasikmalaya

  • Acep Hilman STIA YPPT Priatim Tasikmalaya
Keywords: Service Quality, Loyalty, Bank


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of service quality on priority customer loyalty of Bank Mandiri Tasikmalaya Branch.  The type of research used in this study is causal associative research with a quantitative approach, while data collection techniques are carried out through documentation studies and questionnaires. The sampling technique used a random sampling technique with a sample size of 83 respondents. The analytical tool used is the Product Moment method. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that respondents' responses to the priority customer service quality of Bank Mandiri Tasikmalaya Branch are included in the very good category, and respondents to the priority branch of Bank Mandiri's customer loyalty Tasikmalaya Branch are included in the very good category, meaning that customers are satisfied and tend to transact using Mandiri products. Based on the analysis using Product Moment correlation, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of service quality on priority customer loyalty at Bank Mandiri Tasikmalaya Branch with a total effect of 22.70%.


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